Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Pictures : Polaroid...Just a simple one.

Good Day!

I like the polaroid photos very much. It's like a framed photo and have a little space for caption below the photo. To make it in Photoshop was simple. But it's a simple polaroid photo, not a professional with accurate size. It's just for you to play around whenever you are designing any posters or editing photos before you publish it on Facebook elsewhere.

1. I have a photo, in this case, I'm editing the letter F and going to make it into polaroid. So, firstly as you may see, the picture is not attractable enough. So clear out the white background first with Magic Eraser tool.

2. Then find for Gradient Tool and choose your favourite colour, in this case, I chose the rainbow colour and make sure you create a new layer and drag the new layer to be below the picture layer. It is to make the rainbow colour to be the background of the picture. The lower the hierarchy of the layer in the Layers, the more back the thing's placed. Then save the new picture as FFFF.png

3. Create a new file for the polaroid frame. Go to File > New > Width : 384 pixels > Height : 447 pixels > Background colour : Transparent > OK. As the new file/worksheet created, paint the background in white. Then click Rectangular Marquee Tool at Marquee Tool and cut a square shape. Left the square shape in transparent. It's a polaroid frame now!

4. Create a new layer in Layers and drag it to be behind the polaroid frame and open FFFF.png and drag the picture into the new layer created at the polaroid frame worksheet/file. Adjust the size to fit the frame with Ctrl + T and after finish hit Enter. Add some text as earlier photo for caption. Done!

Aizuddin Sudari

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